Why become a dropbox developer
Why become a dropbox developer

This will allow you to test your app using a standard Dropbox Business team. To test an app that calls the Dropbox Business API endpoints, you can request a free Dropbox Business Development Account here. To create a Dropbox Business app, visit the app creation page. Team member management – Team information, plus the ability to add, edit, and delete team members.Team member file access – Team information and auditing, plus the ability to perform any action as any team member.Team auditing – Team information, plus the team's detailed activity log.Team information – Information about the team and aggregate usage data.There are four different access types of Dropbox Business API permissions. You can read more about scopes in the OAuth Guide. After creating your app in the App Console, you can select your apps scopes on the Permissions tab.

why become a dropbox developer

Scopes control the level of access your app has into user and team data. It also gives apps programmatic access to Dropbox Business admin functionality. The Dropbox Business API allows apps to manage the user lifecycle for a Dropbox Business account and perform API actions on all members of a team.

Why become a dropbox developer